Mesh Material
Enable your ear plugs to ‘breathe’ while being kept safely
Cushion any impact as you carry ATTENU8 around with you
Compared to other metal-bodied ear plugs, we made it smaller and lighter which improves versatility for both day and night use
We also included more durable foam tips that typically last 6 – 8 weeks (scroll down to see our foam tip experiment that tested for durability)
Included a concave body for better grip
Improved on the packaging so not only does it look pretty kick-ass as a gift but more importantly, keeps the foam tips safe in the custom EVA foam cut-out. This ensures your foam tips do not get squashed when you receive your ear plugs.
With the COVID-19 outbreak, many were forced to work from home. This may be the new normal – yay or nay? But regardless, users started using their sleeping ear plugs during the day, and their day ear plugs for sleeping at night – sometimes this worked out, but sometimes it didn’t.
It was important that ATTENU8® is versatile enough to be your day and night companion.
When you least expect it, you can count on ATTENU8® for that sudden f.r.u.s.t.r.a.t.i.n.g.l.y noisy situation. So not only is ATTENU8® effective, comfortable and durable – it will be at your corner when the time comes. Delivering the peace you deserve.